The Day In

October 2, 2011 § Leave a comment

I woke up late.  A big disappointment, every weekend, when I sleep past 10.  I think, rationally, it’s totally reasonable.  But my expectation as superwoman in training is to hop out of bed at 8, even after a rousing good time until 2 am the night before, and accomplish all things laundry, dish, and chore related.

Mango Floss Feet

So instead of writing about today, which was pretty excellent but mostly took place in two rooms, I’ll write about last night.

I am surrounded by people with intimidating levels of talent.

We went to SPACE gallery to see the Sunset Hearts CD Release show, with Mango Floss and Kurt Baker opening for them.  After seeing Mango Floss, I learned that my friend Kate was doing a stand up routine (what??  awesome!) at Geno’s.  I fled up Congress St., paid the $5 cover, got there just in time for her set (and the peals of laughter it created) and then jetted back down to SPACE without missing a minute of Kurt Baker’s set.  Whoa.

Ability to produce music and laughter is a skill I regard highly.

I feel like that’s it for today.

Kate's Back, Doing Stand Up

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